Information Facts Details Vitals To Know About Us

15 years of experience

With 15 years of unwavering dedication and expertise, our company has solidified its position as a trusted industry leader, setting new standards for excellence and innovation.

Best industry experts

With unparalleled expertise honed for years, we stand as the authority in the industry, known for delivering exceptional results & exceeding client expectations consistently.

Cost-effective Solutions

Our company revolutionizes the market by offering a cost-effective solution that exceeds industry standards, saving you time and resources.

Market analysis

Through rigorous market analysis, our company leverages invaluable insights to consistently deliver top-notch services that meet and exceed your expectations.
$ 0 m

financing closed for SMEs

$ 0 m

pipeline deals prepared


SMEs access BDS services

$ 0 m

totals sales facilitated for SMEs


tonnes of produced linked to the end market


financial and non financial partners


Youth and SMEs coached and mentored


jobs facilitated and secured

$ 0 m

financing closed for SMEs

$ 0 m

pipeline deals prepared


SMEs access BDS services

$ 0 m

total sales facilitated for SMEs


tonnes of produced linked to the end market


financial and non financial partners


Youth and SMEs coached and mentored


jobs facilitated and secured


We strengthen financial and investment access through the Agri-business value chains through intensive due diligence, capacity building, coaching, mentoring, training, business plan, accounting services and access to markets. We identify agribusinesses with investment opportunities by packaging them to Financial and Grant Institutions (FI) to access appropriate sources of financing to impact positively on their business to ensure good return on investments for the investors.


We facilitate access to reliable markets for agribusinesses to expand their businesses through innovative marketing strategies by bringing strategic value chain actors together.  We support and promote access to the export market as key priority. We conduct intensive, market research, agricultural value chain mapping and value chain analysis to inform our strategies.


We provide a varied range of business advice support with Accounting and profitability analysis, business registration, business start-up, business modelling, and business-re-engineering, for targeted beneficiaries, smallholder farmers and agribusiness firms through coaching and mentorship.